Chapter 8 Programs: bumpMap: bump map of a single square with a square "bump" in the middle and a rotating light bumpMap2: bump map using 256 x 256 version of the honolulu data. One rotation moves the light source and the other rotates the single polygon that is bump mapped, cubit: rotating translucent cube. Hidden-surface removal can be toggled on and off. hatImage: image of the sombero function with colors assigned to the y values and the resulting image as texture mapped to a square hawaiiImage and hawaiisobel: image display of height data from honolulu data using a texture map with edge enhancement in the fragment shader particleDiffusion: buffer ping ponging of 50 particles initially placed randomly and then moving randomly with their previous positions diffused as a texture. pickCube: rotating cube rendered off screen with solid colors for each face which are used to identify which face the mouse is clicked on. Color of face is logged onto the console. pickCube2: rotating cube with lighting. When mouse is clicked, the face name (front, back, right, left, top, bottom, background) is logged onto the console. pickCube3: changes the material properties so each face has a color but lighting still still causes varying shades across each face. Name of face color is displayed in window instead of on console pickCube4: similar to pickCube2 but displays name of picked face in window projective texture: example of checkerboard texture projected on to cube render1: Sierpinski gasket rendered to a texture and then display on a square. render1v2: renders a triangle to a texture and displays it by a second rendering on a smaller square so blue clear color is visible around rendered square render3: renders Sierpinski gasket and diffuses result over successive renderings render4: similar to render2 but renders only a single triangle render5: same as render4 but only renders the triangle on the first rendering shadowMap: shadow of a triangle on a cube